She is the Queen

                           Click on the Picture for Power of Love

                       queen.gif (2817 Byte)


                                                                                 'till the blossoms refuse to bloom, And the dove cease to shed a plum;'till the sun gets tired and sets forever,And orion will kneel down in prayer;'till this world stops revolving, And the skies glow dark and forbidding; 'till happiness turns into sorrow,And there seems to be no tomorrow; 'till the mountains move and crumble, And my castle of dreams go down a rubble; 'till a tiny spark goes into flames, And devours the paradise of games; 'till your sweet kiss comes to end, And I in both feet can no longer stand;'till my breath is taken away, I'll be here, come what may; I will love you always, so never cry;I'll love you 'Till I Die!!!





her.gif (4412 Byte)She is the QUEEN                                   frog.gif (2340 Byte)he is the Lover